These docs are for highly experimental features. Are you looking for the Lando 3 docs? You can go to them here.


Lando 4 services describe the infrastructure required to develop your project.

In abstract terms you can think of them as the containers needed to run, test, develop and build your project.

In concrete terms that could mean something like nginx:1.16 serving a php:8.2 application with the gd php extension and a custom php.ini connecting to mariadb:11 with a custom stuff database as in the case of a very basic Drupal site.

Or it could mean a node:16 runtime to work on a simple node module.

Or it could mean serving up an enterprise grade microservices application stack.


Services will generally take the below form:


    type: "my-type"
    api: 4
    primary: false


my-service is the name of the service and you can generally name the service whatever you want. We like short and kabob-cased names though.


api is the Service API version. If ommitted it will default to the app runtime.

However we highly recommend you do not omit it! 😃


type is the kind of service. By default Lando 4 has two types: l337 and lando.

However, you can install plugins to get more types such as php:8.2 or postgres:12.


primary is generally ommitted which sets it to false. If you set it to true it will flag that service as the primary service.

This is purely a meta setting, meaning it "does nothing" by itself, however it is often used as the "default service" in other plugins.

If you set multiple primary services to true Lando will use the first one.


... denotes additional configuration options that can vary based on the type of service you are using and other plugins you may have installed.

For these options you will want to consult the documentation for the specific service type or plugin.

Available Services

As noted above, most Lando services are provided by plugins that implement a specific service type with its own set of configuration options.

For example the @lando/php plugin implements a php service that looks something like this:


    type: "php:8.2"
    api: 4
      - "curl"
      - "gd"
      - "imap"
      - "json"
      - "xdebug"
      memory_limit: "512M"

Generally, users will want to use officially supported or third party plugins. You can find a good list of officially supported and maintained services and their docs over here. @TODO: <- that page

However, if those do not satisfy your use case Lando 4 provides two lower level core services: